Saturday, August 23, 2014

Reflection of the Evaluation of Class 9 – 10 English for Today Textbook (Syllabus Design Course)

In this age of globalization, learning English is very important for young learners, so English is a compulsory subject in the schools and colleges as well as in higher studies in Bangladesh. For learning English, students in Bangladesh spend almost 12 years compulsorily in their academic life, so they are supposed to be proficient in the target language. However, in reality, most students cannot even use English satisfactorily as the four basic language skills--reading, writing, listening, and speaking are not practiced, taught and learned adequately in most of the schools in Bangladesh even though the English textbook has been adapted and modified recently.

Earlier, the traditional Grammar Translation Method (GTM) was used in teaching English but due to the huge success of the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Method at the secondary level of education in Bangladesh, CLT was adapted in 1995 and first introduced in Classes 9 - 10 in years 2000 - 2001. In Grammar Translation Method, the focus was on the knowledge about the language, its grammar and rules, but the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Method focused more on the communication or the ability to perform. Emphasizing on this idea, the new English for Today textbook was written and introduced for Classes 9 – 10.

The new English for Today text book for Classes 9 – 10 contains the reading materials that are graded according to the linguistic difficulty that was less literary in character because the previous English for today textbook was more literature related and could not meet the demands of the students. The current book of English for Today for classes 9-10 is a decent one containing 14 units in 234 pages including contemporary topics and passages about climate change, world heritage, festivals, renewable energy, media and communications, iconic people etc. They contain exercises on questions, true/false, choosing the correct answer, completing chart, cloze tests, matching, fill in the blanks and writing from imagination etc. The enormous size syllabus and lessons are based on good themes and can provide scopes for learning English communicatively.

Physical Appearance
The cover and back cover of the textbook are attractive and colorful with quotation of Prime Minister about education and the academic year is mentioned. The printing quality and the quality of the paper are good compared to previous editions. The layout and presentation looks neat, the font size is appropriate and the lessons are presented in an organized way according to the Table of contents with proper images, graphs, charts, maps and posters. Overall, the illustrations used in the textbook are interesting, clear and related to the text to exemplify the meaning of the text. For example, in the lesson “Events and Festivals” images of national and internationals events and festivals are given.

The subject matter and units in English for Today textbook are organized topically and the smaller lessons under each unit are presented situationally or functionally. The materials of the textbook are not culturally biased rather cultures are presented in a related way. For example, in the unit “World Heritage” several archaeological constructions from different cultures are presented in lessons throughout the whole unit such as The Shat Gambuj Mosque, Somapura Mahavihara, The Statue of Liberty, Lake Baikal describing heritages from Asia, America and Russia etc.

The topics of the lesson are also related to the needs, age and interests of the learners. For example, in the unit “Renewable Energy”, topics such as electricity production in Bangladesh, hydro – carbon energy resources, solar panels etc. most contemporary topics are introduced.

Even though the functional or communicative syllabus has been designed for Classes 9 - 10 by the NCTB, the examination syllabus or questions designed by the examination board seems to be different from what is needed to test the communicative competence of the learners.

Vocabulary and Grammar
The grammatical items are presented in an increasing order of difficulty such as starting from completing the chart, matching, multiple choice questions, short questions and then writing paragraph etc.  For example, in the lesson “International Mother Language Day”, the new vocabularies related with the topic are presented at an appropriate rate in both the text and exercises. If matching provides new words with meanings, then the next exercises on questions and paragraph writing can be done using those related word meanings from the word meaning list.

Skills Development
The secondary level English for Today for classes 9-10 is actually competency based syllabus which means that students are expected to attain a list of competencies at the end of the secondary level. Even though the textbook aims at making learners attain communicative competence in the target language, it is not fully accomplished because pair or group works cannot be conducted and this prevents participatory learning. For example, in most of the lessons, there are sections for group works and pair discussions which are part of the exercises but they are never done due to scarcity of time and classroom space. Therefore, pair or groups works cannot be done in the classroom using the textbook.

The English for Today textbook follows a proper syllabus where the items are selected, organized and sequenced according to skills for the secondary level Class 9 – 10 learners. An ideal textbook must ensure adequate coverage of syllabus with supplementary materials i.e. audio and video resources. This textbook only serves as the basis for language input and practice, however, only reading and writing are emphasized and listening and speaking remain omitted for the lack of audio materials and teachers’ guide. Reading text are supported by a number of related exercises and writing activities help students develop abilities to write freely such as writing a paragraph, making predictions, report writing etc.

Even though there are detailed instructions on pedagogy and testing in the teachers’ handbook, the objectives cannot be entirely fulfilled for the lack of testing listening and speaking exercises in the textbook. Similarly, teachers are not provided with the teaching tools and guides for testing listening and speaking, so there is an incomplete paradigm shift. For example, in the unit “Are We Aware”, there is a section in listening where students will listen to the teacher/CD that will give them idea about the population of Bangladesh, however, if this topic is not played through CD or teacher does not read out the topic, then there is no way in which students could complete the questions, charts and gap filling activities related to it. This means that omitting the listening topic or text will leave out students from knowing about the topic as no additional text is given about the topic but only exercises in the book.

In most cases, teachers may avoid listening text or speaking topics that includes group and pair discussions which would mean that students will not be using the Communicative Language Teaching method which requires them to speak English in class but rather use the GTM method where the teachers talks more and students only focus on reading the writing omitting listening and speaking. Overall, the four skills are not taught in an integrated way.

Exercises and Activities
The exercises are mainly task – based activities which are organized in a way to promote fluency and accuracy of learners. For example, the unit on “Media and E – Communications” has been arranged in a way so that students explore and enjoy reading the topics which motivates them to know more about the email, social networking sites, digital education program, learning management system (LMS) etc.

There are different types of exercises and activities with examples illustrated in images, charts and tables to clarify ideas about the text. The exercise types are questions; fill in the blanks, multiple choice questions, comparison tables, completing dialogues etc.  Most of the tasks have instructions which are clearly stated in one or two sentences for both the learners and the teacher. Interesting exercises such as use of email and social networking sites may help students to advance in their thinking and communication in the classroom.

The English for Today textbook has a wide range of lesson to be covered, so due to scarcity of time, the teachers have to plan on organizing the lessons of the book taking consideration of the students' interest and level and the duration of the class hours should also be extended for pair and group works, presentation etc.
The less important or non-important lessons may be omitted from the text in order to remove the students' fear of huge syllabus in English and to provide them more interest in reading. The lessons should be designed in such a way that each lesson should contain a variety of activities and skills with maximum student-involvement.

Even though the new English for Today aims at applying the CLT method for achieving the target language competence in English, this goal has not been fulfilled yet due to the lack of sufficient trained teachers, teaching-learning materials, lack of teacher-student interaction, lack of students' motivation, poor performance of the students, students' fear in using English etc. While the government is willing to give teacher training and provide textbooks, they are unwilling to change the examination system which is the biggest challenge in any education reform. So, step by step planning is needed to facilitate change in language teaching and language learning.

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